Maturing communities of practice II

 an advanced workshop for social learning leaders

Systems convening workshop 2

Take your communities to the next level

This workshop is a follow-up to the Cultivating Communities of Practice workshop for people who have been to that workshop and want to deepen their ability to cultivate communities of practice into further levels of maturity.

Who should join?

Social learning leaders
who want to learn how to
develop further levels of maturity
for communities of practice

What will you get?

In-depth understanding of our maturity model
Strategies and trade-offs
for different dimensions of maturity
Applicability to your case
and bespoke strategies for proceeding

Workshop format

4 days of immersive learning
Interactive case clinics
Hands-on practice sessions
Real-world application
Collaborative problem-solving

Why an advanced workshop?

For communities of practice, maturing is a complex, multi-dimensional process. This workshop is structured around our new framework for thinking about the maturing of communities of practice, along with our value-creation framework. We also make use of our value-creation framework. 

We explore the seven different dimensions of maturity in our model and how they apply to your situation. This includes cultivation actions along with a consideration of the trade-offs between benefits and risks.

Then we use the value-creation framework to explore the potential value of moving your communities along each dimension.

The result is both a deeper understanding of the actions and trade-offs involved in sustaining a community of practice as it matures and an initial plan of action for your project.

The workshop is structured around the maturity framework introduced in our new guidebook on communities of practice within and across organizations.

What we focus on

In this workshop we explore our model for thinking about different ways in which communities of practice can mature.

  • Understand community maturing via the characteristics of the seven dimensions of our model
  • Explore the types of actions that communities can engage in to push each dimension
  • Become attuned to the delicate trade-offs that pushing each dimension entails
  • Use the value-creation framework to explore the potential pay-off of developing along a given dimension
  • Articulate the opportunities for further levels of maturity in your context
  • Engage the whole group in thinking through your specific challenges
  • Develop a plan of action you can take back
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